The Queen’s Guide Award is the highest award attainable by a member of Girlguiding and is open to members aged 16-30 years
It gives you the chance to develop your skills, give back to guiding and support your local community. It’s open to members aged 16 to 30 and must be completed within 3 years from the start date or before your 31st birthday, whichever is sooner.
By signing up you will be able to start the award – Your coordinator will send regular opportunities & to see how you are progressing through the award.
Getting Started and Registration (Downloads and Resources are below)
Before undertaking any element of the award you will need to:
- Be a member of Girlguiding and have your role recorded on GO. You can move between counties and continue the award.
- Read through the Queen's Guide leaflet. Copies provided to local commissioners.
- Read through the information on the Girlguiding website -
- Take a look at the detailed syllabus in the Queen's Guide Resource
- Notify your District/Division Commissioner about starting the award.
- Find someone who will be your Mentor (this should be a member of Guiding who is able to support you through the different elements of the award). If you do not have anyone in mind, we can put you in contact with someone willing to be a QGA Mentor.
- Contact the Queen's Guide Co-ordinator to discuss starting your award.
- Complete the Queen's Guide Registration Form.
- Send an initial plan to your Mentor and Coordinator to outline a plan of when different elements of the award will be completed using the Queen's Guide Award Planning Template.
- If you know that during a certain period of time you are going to be unable to work towards the award, you can agree to have a ‘planned break’ of up to 12 months.
- The award must be completed within 3 years of your start date or before your 30th birthday.
Recording progress
- Buy a Queen’s Guide Record Book, (Product Code: 6109)
- Don’t forget to get your record book signed each time you finish a challenge. Each project or event can be used only once for an element of your award.
- Provide each assessor for the elements a copy of the Queen's Guide Award Assessor information.
- Ensure you make your Promise before the end of your second year (if you haven’t done so already)
Completing the award
- Once you’ve finished all the elements, complete your record book and contact your County Queen’s Guide Coordinator.
- Local & National Award ceremonies will then take place to celebrate all your hard work.
Supporting those doing their Queen’s Guide Award
- If you are planning an event – contact the Coordinator to help with planning & volunteer on the day.
- If you are planning a residential – contact the Coordinator to request roles for volunteering.
- Offer to be a Mentor.
- Be an assessor for a Personal Skill.
- Share volunteer opportunities you see to the coordinator.
Additional links to support: